DIY Cloud Chamber

Build your own cloud chamber with everyday material and make observations.
The cloud chamber was one of the first particle detectors. Today, cloud chambers are only used in education. It is very easy to build a cloud chamber with everyday material, dry ice, and Isopropyl alcohol. Below we provide a DIY manual including many information on how to interpret the observations, and what do with cloud chamber (e.g. using balloons as radioactive sources). The equipment instructions are based on Cloud Chamber workshops, that are offered at CERN Science Gateway
Material list
Below, we present the setup used at CERN Science Gateway. There are many different ways to build a DIY cloud chamber. We provide many ideas as well as the 3D files and suppliers for our setup in our dedicated DIY manual on zenodo.
- Plastic container, e.g. aquarium
- Felt, 3 mm thick
- Split pins to attached the felt to the plastic container
- Box that will contain the dry ice
- Black metal plate, e.g. anodised aluminium 5mm thick
- Light source
- Protective equipment (gloves and goggles)
- Dry ice
- Isopropanol 99%
Instructions & ideas for educators
Follow the assembly instructions provided in our dedicated DIY manual on zenodo. This manual also includes many ideas how to use cloud chambers in the classroom and how to troubleshoot in case of problems.
Video recordings of professional cloud chambers at CERN
- Professional Diffusion Cloud Chamber (supplier: PHYWE): Watch a 2-minute video
- Professional Diffusion Cloud Chamber in CERN's public exhibition "Discover CERN" (supplier: NULEDO): Watch a 3-minute video