Educational Resources

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introduce the ATLAS detector in your classroom by building a functional 3D-printed model of its toroidal magnet.
Age group

Learn about the Quark-Gluon Plasma that the ALICE experiment is looking at with this fun cartoon!
Age group

Learn about different aspects of the ATLAS detector, from its various detector components to the search for the Higgs boson.
Age group

Introduce dark matter in your classroom with this fun new approach using jelly lenses.
Age group

Learn about the history and future of CERN.
Age group

Get some quick facts about CERN.
Age group

With this fun comic book, learn about how the CMS detector was made, its main parts, and what scientists hope to find using this complex tool.
Age group

Follow a proton at CERN on its adventure from the hydrogen bottle to the LHC!
Age group

Learning unit to introduce 12 year-olds to the subatomic structure of matter.
Age group

Learn about the High-Luminosity LHC with this CERN brochure.
Age group

Introduce the subatomic structure of matter to young students.
Age group

Introduce the LHC in your classroom with the help of this paper, which links principal components of the LHC to topics in physics curricula.
Age group

Teach radioactivity to your classroom by using probability theory.
Age group

Discuss in your classroom one of the most famous formulas in physics, the standard model Langrangian.
Age group

Learn about the LHC, its detectors, and the physics behind it.
Age group

Learn about the Higgs boson and the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism, with this brochure from the ATLAS experiment.
Age group

Identify tracks of subatomic particles from their ‘signatures’ in bubble chamber photos together with your students.
Age group