Educational Resources

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Walk through CERN's accelerator chain with this extensive network of 360 ° panorama photos.
Age group

Learn about the link between a balloon hovercraft and the CMS particle detector, in this short video by the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
Age group

Learn about the link between a cardboard spectroscope and antimatter research, in this short video by the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
Age group

Learn about the link between a leaky bottle and the ATLAS particle detector, in this short video by the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
Age group

16 chapters with videos and quizzes to learn about the fundamentals of particle physics.
Age group

Learn about the link between a rainbow in a box and the ATLAS detector, in this short video by Solvay and CERN.
Age group

Learn about the link between an iron screw and CERN electromagnets, in this short video by the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
Age group

Learn about the link between fridge magnets and the LHC, in this short video by the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
Age group

Walk through all the CERN sites on the surface and some of its emblematic facilities.
Age group

Learn everything about CERN through its official Youtube Channel!
Age group

Learn about the ALICE experiment, its physics objectives and the people involved in its research through the official ALICE Youtube Channel
Age group

Learn about the ATLAS experiment, its physics objectives and the people involved in its research through the official ATLAS Youtube Channel
Age group

Learn about the CMS experiment, its physics objectives and the people involved in its research through the official CMS Youtube Channel.
Age group

Learn about the LHCb experiment, its physics objectives and the people involved in its research through the official LHCb Youtube Channel
Age group

Learn about one scientific topic useful to CERN scientists and engineers in each 20-30 minute long video.
Age group

Learn about the link between paper rings and resonant cavities, in this short video by the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
Age group

Learn about the different states of matter with a fun science show in French.
Age group

Learn about the discovery of the Higgs boson, starting from the role of particle accelerators and ending on the graphs that allow us to "see" the particle.
Age group

Browse through a collection of YouTube videos related to the physics, engineering, applications, and people of CERN.
Age group

Learn about the link between water shrinking and the LHC, in this short video by the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
Age group